A place where we dig into the questions we have that the answer may or may not be lifechanging!

We wonder, we ask google, then we faafo.

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  • Life Life has been my most influential teacher. Why, you may ask? Let me break it down for you in the simplest way possible. I’m a feminist that was raised by family women, in a family first community. To put this in the simplest form, my family and my community…

  • This blog post shares the inspiration behind the movie character Freddie Krueger. It delves into the Vietnam War’s history, the US involvement, and the fall of Saigon, leading to the emergence of the mysterious Sudden Unexplained Death Syndrome (SUDS), which is believed to have influenced the creation of Freddie Krueger.

  • The dangers of online dating are highlighted in the rise of romantic scams, with an estimated 64,003 reports and $1.13 billion in losses to the FTC in 2023. The article delves into the infamous Craigslist Killer cases, such as Phillip Markoff’s robbing of women he met on Craigslist, and Richard…

  • The Crown Act, also known as the C.R.O.W.N Act, protects the rights of people of color to wear natural hair styles without discrimination. Historically, black hair has been subject to repression and misunderstanding, but this legislation seeks to create a more inclusive and respectful environment. The Act has been passed…

  • A conspiracy Post. Since I was a little girl, we would get to stay up to watch the awards shows on Sunday night, regardless if it was a school night or not. As I got older, I began to lose interest in watching the televised program: for one, none of…

  • Marriage has a long history rooted in ownership and practicality, evolving from shared relationships to the dominance of men. Love was later added to the mix, but women still faced limitations. In modern times, marriage is more inclusive, yet its traditional dynamics persist. Whether it aligns with one’s values remains…